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Albany’s Canna Kitchen & Research

Feed Your Endocannabinoid System

We began as a mother and daughter team who came across a wonderful way of helping people in the medical Cannabis community to go smokeless. We prefer to refer to the plant as Cannabis … there is, after all, no such thing as a marijuana plant in any horticulture book; but there are plenty mentions of Cannabis Sativa. We offer consultations on converting Cannabis to Smokeless Remedies … you don’t have to smoke your cannabis any longer, and the THC doesn’t have to make you high. Capsules, tinctures, salves, suppositories and more can all be made to meet your needs to any strength. Amazing, isn’t it?. If you do not have your OMMP (Oregon Medical Marijuana Program) card yet, we can help you get scheduled to see the doctor. Are you looking for a qualified doctor who cares about your health to sign for you to obtain your card based on your verified condition? Call us, we can get you scheduled as soon as possible. 541-981-2620. If we are unable to answer the phone, leave a message and we will call you back.
